Mechancial Behaviour & Design of Materials (MT704)

Course Name: 

Mechancial Behaviour & Design of Materials


M.Tech. in Materials Engineering




Programme Core (PC)

Credits (L-T-P): 

(3-1-0) 4

Course Outcomes: 

CO1: Understand the materials science fundamentals behind the plastic deformation behaviour of various engineering materials
CO2: Attain the knowledge of crystalline and amorphous ceramics particularly glasses and their applications
CO3: Acquire the knowledge about the fracture, fatigue and creep of various engineering materials
CO4: Understand the basics of load bearing properties of various engineering materials and their microstructure-properties correlation

Course modules and teaching hours: 

Course and Evaluation Plan:
MT704 Mechanical Behaviour and Design of Materials (3-1-0) 4
Quiz I (4-5 weeks) - 30%
Fundamental of elastic and plastic deformation, dislocation theory, strengthening mechanisms Dislocations and plastic deformation, slip, torsion, CRSS, slip systems, strain hardening, recrystallization

Mid Sem (3-5 weeks) - 30%
Fundamentals of fracture, types of fractures, the theory of fracture.
Tensile behaviour and testing, temperature and strain rate effects, compression behaviour and testing, hardness testing, torsion testing, impact testing & transition temperature. Failure under combined stresses (triaxial), design against failure. Failure behaviour and fracture toughness testing.

End SEM (2-3 weeks) - 30 %
Concept of Fatigue & creep and its fundamentals + portion of Quiz 1 and Mid Sem
Time: as per the academic calendar (question paper pattern will be decided later)

Assignment: 10%

Books for Reference:
Mechanical Metallurgy - G. Dieter
Materials Science and Engineering-An Introduction - Willam D. Callister
Materials Science and Engineering - V. Raghavan
Materials & Design – Michael. F Ashby

This is a basic course in Materials Eng and standard textbooks are available.
I do follow the 3 textbooks mentioned above to teach this subject.
I will share the details of which topics covered from which book (out of 3) in each class so that it will be easier for you to follow.


G. I. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, Sl metric edition, McGraw Hill, 1988.
J. A. Collins, Failure of Materials in Mechanical Design, Wiley Interscience Publication, 1981.
Metals Handbook, Vol.11, 9th edition, ASM, 1986.


Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Total teaching hours: 


Contact us

Dr. Kumkum Banerjee, Head
Department of MME, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangaluru - 575 025
Karnataka, India.
  • Hot line: +91-0824-2473050

Contact details for Placements and Internships


Faculty Co-ordinator: Dr. Saumen Mandal 

Student Co-ordinator:  Abhijeet Dilip Sontakke