Mohammad Rizwanur Rahman
Office Hold
1. Chairman of Indian Institute of Metal, Surathkal Chapter form 2022
2. Co-Chairman of Central Research Facility, NITK from August 2021
3. Advisory committee member of STEP NITK.
Professional Experience:
8.5 years of Professional experience out of which 7 years at NITK

Contact Details
Academic Background
Academic Backround:
• Ph.D (Keio University) & March 2011.
• M.Tech (IIT Kapur) & 2007.
• B.Tech (NIFFT, Ranchi University) & 2005.
Areas of Interest
Areas of Interest:
Crystal growth; Structural and Magnetic Characterization of Semiconductors; Carbon Nanotube and Graphene
Significant Projects
Significant Projects:
Development of Metallic nanoparticles-enhanced phase change Materials for thermal energy storage (PI) Funding Agency: VGST: Amount: 5 Lakhs
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles at laboratory scale and further scaling up to pilot scale at HZL (PIs) Funding Agency: Hindustan Zinc Ltd: Amount: 11.75 Lakhs
Augmentation of Research Facilities to cater the Research in the Domain of Materials Engineering (Co-Investigator) Funding Agency: DST-FIST: Amount: 297 Lakhs
Development of Cost-Effective Magneto-Rheological (MR) Fluid Damper in Two wheelers and Four Wheelers Automobile to Improve Ride Comfort and Stability (Co-Investigator) Funding Agency: DST-IMPRINT: Amount: 355 Lakhs
Significant Publications
Significant Publications:
1. GT Mohanraj, Sharnappa Joladarashi, Harish Hanumanthappa, Bharath Kumar Shanmugam, Harsha Vardhan, Gajanan M Naik, P Devadas Bhat, M. R. Rahman “Numerical approach for optimization of magnetic roller and evaluating the performance of permanent magnet roller separator through design of experiment” Alexandria Engineering Journal: 61, (2022) 13011-13033.
2. MN Aruna, M. R. Rahman, Sharanappa Joladarashi, SherSingh Meena, Debashish Sarkar, CK Umesh “A study on Magnetorheological and Sedimentation Properties of Soft Magnetic Fe58Ni42 Particles” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials: 563 (2022), 169934.
3. Sandeep Singh Chauhan, Deepak Kumar, Poornendu Chaturvedi, and M. R. Rahman, Highly Sensitive and Stable NO2 Gas Sensors Based on Random and Aligned Networks of SWCNTs, IEEE Sensors Journal, 19 (2019), 11775. (Impact Factor: 3.076)
4. Sunil Mathi, M. R. Rahman, Imteyaz Ahmad, Udaya Bhat K, Chemicals free synthesis of graphene oxide in the preparation of reduced graphene oxide-zinc oxide nanocomposite with improved photocatalytic properties, Applied Surface science: 451, (2018) 67-75 (Impact Factor: 3.38)
5. Koteswararao, R. Kumar, P. Khuntia, Sayantika Bhowal, S. K. Panda, M. R. Rahman, A. V. Mahajan, I. Dasgupta, M. Baenitz, Kee Hoon Kim, and F. C. Chou Magnetic properties and heat capacity of the three-dimensional frustrated S = ½ antiferromagnet PbCuTe2O6 Phys. Rev. B 90 (2014), 035141
6. T. Itahashi, H. Hayashi, M. R. Rahman, K. M. Itoh, L. S. Vlasenko, M. P. Vlasenko, and D. S. Poloskin: Optical and dynamic nuclear polarization of 29Si nuclei via photo excited triplet states of radiation defects in isotopically controlled silicon Phys. Rev. B 87 (2013), 075201
1. DST-IMPRINT Project: Development of Cost-Effective Magneto-Rheological (MR) Fluid Damper in Two wheelers and Four Wheelers Automobile to Improve Ride Comfort and Stability (Co-Investigator)
2. Fellow of Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
3. Japanese government Scholarship (Monbukagakusho Scholarship), Japan.